Make Your Mark
Scholarship Contest
Spring 2024

Congratulations to our Winners!

Ashish Bhatta

Truman State University

Alexandra Melgar

University of the Ozarks

Jacob Valk

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Mubasil Yousufzai

India Pakistan
University of Idaho

Naoto Iimori

El Camino College

Sanket Timilshina

Avila University

Please create a Video Submission in response to the following:

Create a video describing how American culture is different from your home culture.

Get creative with your submission: 

Make it funny! Make it dramatic! Are you artistic? Create a cartoon!

Application Deadline: 

Sunday, March 10, 2024 

(Scholarship Winners will be announced May 2, 2024)

Video submissions will have a 3-minute maximum time limit. Six winners will be selected.

Scholarship Amounts:

$2,000 each

Click here to apply!

Thanks to our Sponsors

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