The quality care
you need with the convenience you want
Speak to a licensed doctor by web, phone or mobile app in minutes.
Discover why Teladoc is the most
trusted telehealth provider in the world
Teladoc provides you with 24/7/365 access to U.S. board-certified doctors by phone.
![[teladoc] logo. purple circle with blue line underneath teladoc to the right.](
Teladoc does not replace your primary care physician. It is a convenient and affordable option that allows you to talk to a doctor who can diagnose, recommend treatment and prescribe medication, when appropriate, for many of your medical issues.
• Sinus problems
• Bronchitis
• Allergies
• Cold and flu symptoms
• Respiratory infection
• Ear infection
• And more!
Schedule a doctor visit, manage your medical history, or even send a prescription to the nearest pharmacy – all from the palm of your hand.